FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Improve Fire Safety In My Home?

  • Cook Safely – Cooking mishaps are a common cause of residential structure fires.  Keep handles on pots and pans turned in.  Keep the area around cooking appliances free of items that could catch fire.  Do not attempt to extinguish a grease fire with water, or discharge a fire extinguisher into a burning pot or pan – this will spread the fire.  Put a lid on it, if safe to do so.   For fires in ovens or microwaves, turn off the heat and keep the door closed.
  • Smoke Safely –  WSFR recommends smoking outdoors if possible.  Confirm extinguishment of smoking materials by dousing with water or extinguishing with sand.  Never dispose of smoking materials in mulch, bark, saw dust trash cans or other combustible areas.
  • Maintain A Safe Household Electrical System – Avoid overloading outlets and the prolonged use of extension cords.  Make sure your home is equipped with GFCI outlets where required.  Have frequently tripping breakers or blown fuses evaluated by a qualified professional.
  • Use Candles Cautiously. Candles can unintentionally cause fires through the emission of burning wax or by igniting nearby combustibles.